Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yogurt - How to Make (by the gal.)

Making yogurt is not hard and does not take a lot of time. You can make a half gallon of yogurt the same way.

Equipment:  Make sure all utensils are clean and sterile. The milk solution above 140 can do that.
  1. Glass gallon jar. I like the wide mouth jars so you can scoop out the yogurt.
  2. Rice Sock- to wrap around the glass jar to offer more continuous heat to milk
  3. A pot that will hold a gallon of milk for heating (180 degrees)
  4. A wisk
  5. A thermometer 
  6. Towels to insulate
  1. Organic Milk
  2. A starter of live plain yogurt. (Dannan yogurt )
  3. Your next batch of yogurt you will extract you n some for you next culture for your next batch
Instructions: Take Dannan yogurt and let set out to room temp (or close to it)

  1. Heat milk up to 180 degrees (stir so as not to scald)
  2. Cool down to 115 degrees (put pot in a sink full of cold water. It will cool fast)
  3. At 115 degrees add 1 cup of yogurt culture.
  4. Mix well with your wisk...
  5. Pour milk solution into glass jar and put lid on
  6. Find an undisturbed location 
    1. Wrap  milk with rice sock. (microwave for 2 min to make very warm)
      1. What is a rice sock? Put cheep white rice in an old sock. Microwave it for 2 min. Some people use such a sock for a heating pad.
    2. Then wrap the whole thing in towels so as to keep the heat in. (don't forget to insulate top and bottom)
  7. Let sit undisturbed for a min of 6 hours... I let sit for 8-9
  8. Refrigerate overnight
In another post I will tell you how to make granola.

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